9 Tips for Finding Affordable Parts for Boat Trailers
Studies show that about 100 million Americans go boating every year. As this number continues to surge, making sure that your boat trailer maintenance is up to snuff is critical. But how can you do so without draining your bank?
Finding parts for boat trailers feels more difficult every year as new boats hit the market. Thankfully, there are plenty of tricks to finding affordable boat trailer parts that you can take advantage of.
If you’re curious about making the most out of your boat trailer, we’re here to help. Read on to learn more about finding a new boat trailer or performing boat trailer maintenance.
1. Network
The first step should always be to network with other boaters. Boaters often have great advice on where you can buy parts for boat trailers, as it’s something nearly every boater has had to do.
Moreover, some boaters may have the parts that you need. Speak to people who have a boat trailer similar (or identical) to yours. Doing so is a great way to find trustworthy leads on-part vendors – or someone willing to part with their components.
2. Buy Used…
Speaking of buying from other boaters, one of the best ways to find affordable parts is not to settle for a “new” boat trailer. Instead, consider looking for used components that you can buy.
Depending on your trailer, you may be able to find single components at used retailers or from other boaters. You should always inspect and vet any used parts to ensure they’re working properly. That goes doubly for crucial components like wheels or hitches.
3. …Or Only Buy New
At the same time, some people may not want to buy used. Some find it a bit too risky, or they’d just prefer to have a new component on their new boat trailer.
If you prefer to only buy new, that’s fine! There are still plenty of ways that you can find affordable parts for your boat trailer.
That said, you may have to look a bit harder. You should still consider speaking to other boaters, as they may have a new or unused component that they’re willing to part with. Otherwise, consider surplus stores or look for discounts from local vendors.
4. Shop Local
Local vendors aren’t just good for discounts. Shopping local can unlock a swathe of benefits you may not expect as a new boater.
Many local shops have loyalty or reward programs that are great for repeat customers. If you’re typically in the same area when you boat, building up a rapport or reputation in these shops is a great way to find better deals.
There’s more to it than charisma or loyalty points, though. Many local shops offer better deals than the big-name, massive franchise, chain-outlet shops that you can find in more touristy areas. Always check local shops and small businesses first for better prices.
5. Shop Online
What if you aren’t somewhere where you can shop locally? In that case, shopping online is a great substitute.
Online retailers are great for the massive variety that’s available to you. You have the entire internet at your fingertips with hundreds of stores. As such, you have your pick of the litter – if one store doesn’t have what you need, there are dozens of competitors you can check out.
One drawback of shopping online is that you have to wait for shipping. While this can sometimes be obnoxious, it’s rarely something that should hold you back. To avoid this, do your best to order ahead of time when you need the part.
Naturally, this isn’t always possible. You may have an emergency that requires a part as soon as possible. There’s always express shipping, but in this situation, it’s likely better to try your luck at local brick-and-mortar establishments instead.
6. Check Professional Dealerships
Speaking of brick-and-mortar, local professional dealerships are a good starting place to look for parts for your new boat trailer. These stores often carry various types of boat trailers, as well as the individual components of those trailers.
If a dealership carries your trailer, they’ll likely carry your parts. Speak to your local boat dealerships and see what they have for you.
7. Dig Through the Scrap Yards
Not afraid of used parts or some legwork? Nearly every city has a scrap yard that you can visit to check through vehicles and accessories that others aren’t using anymore. In areas with rich boating communities, these can often carry boat trailers and components.
Naturally, these will often be used parts. There’s also a risk that these components will well and truly classify as junk. If the junkyard leaves their trailers out in the elements, they could also have rusting issues.
Inspect the components you’re considering and do your best to pick the best. If you can find what you’re looking for, a scrap yard will likely be the most affordable way to purchase it.
8. Check Around the Harbors
Another great way is to check around the harbors to see if there are any vendors or discounts. Harbors often help to feature local vendors and sometimes hold community events.
These benefits can vary from harbor to harbor. Do your best to keep your finger on the pulse to see what your harbor is featuring.
9. Know What to Look For
Finally, you should always know precisely what you’re looking for, features and all. Doing so can help you narrow down where to search for it.
Above all, know what sort of prices your component goes for – and what sort of price you’re willing to accept. Having an understanding of these factors ahead of time will help you avoid getting a bad deal.
Finding Affordable Parts for Boat Trailers
Finding affordable parts for boat trailers can feel overwhelming, but there are plenty of great ways to find low-cost, high-quality components. Look for boat trailer parts from local dealerships, other boating hobbyists, and independent vendors. You can also find solid deals online.
At Owens & Sons, we’ve been getting high-quality components and custom aluminum trailers into customers’ hands for nearly four decades. Contact us today to see how we can help you with repairing your boat trailer.